Carità in opera contro la povertà sanitaria


Health Poverty Observatory is a research team established by Banco Farmaceutico in 2013. Its scientific production represents in Italy the main source of permanent knowledge on health poverty. 
By filling a serious gap in official sources, the observatory develops research activities aimed at:

  • creating public awareness about the impact of growing poverty on access to medicaments and health care.
  • identifying new indicators to measure the health poverty status, analysing data from over 1,800 charities.
  • providing institutions with the tools (annual report, analyses of the area, reports) necessary to understand and respond with appropriate measures to the social and health problems.


Every year Banco Farmaceutico publishes the report “Donate to care:  Health Poverty and Medicines Donation'. This is the most comprehensive document published in Italy on the issue. It features, amongst other, exclusive data from the Medicines Collection Day, donations from pharmaceutical companies and monitoring systems of the enrolled charities.